Archive for the ‘Previvors’ Category

Are You a Breast Cancer Previvor? Here Are 5 Ways to Tell…

With Angelina Jolie’s big announcement and all the media attention surrounding BRCA and preventative mastectomy, maybe you’re wondering if you or someone you love is a previvor (a person who hasn’t had cancer but has a high risk for developing it.) The truth is, most people don’t know that they are. For instance, though about 1/500 men and women have a BRCA mutation, less than 10% of people know that they do. (Note: The rate among certain populations is much higher—for instance, 1/40 Ashkenazi Jews have a BRCA mutation.)

Here’s how you can determine if you’re a previvor:

1. Know your family history. In most cases, a previvor’s risk starts with family history. So it’s crucial that you learn your family history on both sides of your family. Your father’s side of the family counts as much as your mother’s side. Going back as far as you can, find out about any family members who battled cancer and the ages they were diagnosed.

2. Watch for red flags. Are there more than two cases of cancer on the same side of the family? Is there any ovarian cancer or male breast cancer in your family? Have any relatives been diagnosed in their 40s or younger? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might have a hereditary risk for breast cancer.

3. Learn your other risk factors. For instance, have you had any abnormal breast biopsy results? Do you have dense breasts, which is something your doctor can help you determine? Or have you taken hormone replacement therapy? These factors can all increase your risk for breast cancer.

4. Keep an open dialogue with your doctor. If you think you might be at risk, tell your doctor about your family history and other risk factors, and discuss what steps you should take. You should also consider seeing a genetics counselor, who can really help you understand your risk, discuss whether or not you should undergo genetic testing, and highlight the pros and cons of all of your options based on your results. The National Society of Genetic Counselors can help you find an expert in your area.

5. Remember, you’re not alone. Check out organizations such as FORCE and Bright Pink. They’ll both provide you with the latest research on hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. And they have message boards and other networking opportunities where you can speak with women who completely understand what you’re going through.

By Dina | Posted in Breast Cancer Research, Previvors, Uncategorized | Comments (0)

Angelina Jolie Tells the World She’s a Previvor

As an advocate for previvors and a friend to so many of them, I was beyond thrilled by Angelina Jolie’s announcement yesterday that she, too, is a previvor. Her candidness did so much for high risk women in just one day—people all over the world started learning about what it means to have a BRCA mutation as well as the options previvors face. She has educated so many and  has thrown this important issue directly into the spotlight.

While her decision to have a prophylactic mastectomy was very personal, I have somewhat of a sense of her thought process because the women in my book, Previvors, faced the same issues she faced. Especially since Angelina Jolie is a mother like they all are.

Here’s an idea of what she might have been thinking.

By Dina | Posted in Previvors | Comments (0)

Guest Blogger from Sharsheret Sheds Some Light for Previvors

Here’s a great blog post from Niecee Schonberger, MS, CGC, Coordinator of the Genetics for Life program at Sharsheret. Thanks Niecee!

I met Dina at the annual conference of the National Society of Genetic Counselors last month in San Diego. She gave an inspirational presentation about some of the issues surrounding genetic testing and genetic counseling, specifically as they relate to previvors. As a Genetic Counselor, she invited me to share what I know about cancer risk, testing and genetics with all of you.

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By Dina | Posted in Organizations, Previvors | Comments (0)

Thoughts About the National Society of Genetic Counselors’ Conference

I recently had the honor of speaking at the National Society of Genetic Counselors‘ annual conference in San Diego. Specifically, I participated in a plenary session and shared with 1200 genetic counselors the 5 Things Genetic Counselors Need to Know About Previvors. Bonnie J. Rough, author of Carrier, was my co-presenter.

I have to say, the crowd was one of the most receptive I’ve ever addressed. The genetic counselors were passionate about their patients and eager to learn how they might further help those with a high risk for cancer. For instance, one of my points was that previvors want their genetic counselors to follow up with them. Afterwards, many who heard my speech told me they were planning on calling or emailing each of their patients when they returned back home.

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By Dina | Posted in Previvors, Speaking Engagements | Comments (0)

National Previvor Day: Why Most People Won’t Be Celebrating Today

Today is National Previvor Day. This day is so important for the millions of men and women out there who are previvors: People who have no had cancer but have a high risk for developing it. And many of those previvors will be celebrating the long-overdue increased awareness that this day brings to their population.

But having a designated “previvor” day isn’t enough. The majority of the people in this country have no idea that today is National Previvor Day. They have never heard of FORCE or Bright Pink. They don’t even know the first thing about breast cancer risk.

We still have a lot of work to do.

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By Dina | Posted in Previvors, Uncategorized | Comments (2)

Too Important to Ignore: A Week That Deserves Everyone’s Attention

National Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Week is right around the corner, and it’s a great reminder to help raise awareness about previvors and their risk for cancer.

Check out our latest press release on the subject: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

By Dina | Posted in Media, Previvors | Comments (0)

More Great News: Previvors wins a Mom’s Choice Award!

I recently found out that Previvors won gold at this year’s Mom’s Choice Awards in the category of health, nutrition, fitness and safety.  I’m very thankful that the book was recognized.

While not all previvors are moms (or dads, for that matter), so many of them are. In fact, the five women featured in Previvors are all mothers, and they explain how being a parent affected their decisions when facing their cancer risk. Check out the chapter in the book entitled, “A Mother’s Legacy” to find out how.

Of course, I hope the book keeps helping all previvors first facing their risk. And thanks again to the Mom’s Choice Awards committee for honoring my book. I am very grateful.

By Dina | Posted in Media, Previvors | Comments (1)

Previvors Wins the 2011 International Book Award for Best Health Book

I found out some very exciting news today: My book, Previvors, is the winner of  the 2011 International Book Award for the Best Health Book in the “Cancer” category. Here’s a link to the press release:

It’s an amazing feeling, being recognized for all of the work that went into this important book. The five women featured in Previvors and I are thrilled!

By Dina | Posted in Media, Previvors | Comments (1)

The “Invisible” Breast Cancer Patients: There Are More Than It Seems

We’ve made such great strides when it comes to breast cancer:  We have better treatments with fewer side effects. We have much-needed funding and dozens upon dozens of organizations dedicated to helping find a cure. And, of course, we have awareness: The entire month of October is bathed in pink; support groups abound; thousands walk in solidarity with signs on their backs proudly exclaiming, “I’m a Survivor!” or “I’m a Previvor!”

But what about those women who are neither?  While we try  to focus on the positive when it comes to breast cancer, the truth is that far too many women do succumb to the disease. In fact, 40,000 people die from the illness each year. So what do we call women who are facing metastatic disease? They are neither survivors nor previvors. And, according to a report in The New York Times by Roni Caryn Rabin, they sometimes feel “invisible” within the advocacy community.

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By Dina | Posted in Breast Cancer Research, Previvors | Comments (1)

Thanks to Susan G. Komen for the Cure and NBC for another segment on Previvors!

We’ve been so blessed with the media attention that Previvors has received so far. And it’s still going strong. Check out the latest clip that aired on NBC-WPTV in South Florida. It was a Susan G. Komen for the Cure segment, written and produced by Judith Kolich.

Previvors featured on NBC

By Dina | Posted in Media, Previvors | Comments (0)